
Tandem crane lift plan
Tandem crane lift plan

Each volume, in addition to its contents list and list of contributors, has appendices that contain reference information to all four volumes. The numbering of pages, figures and tables has been designed so as to be identified with the particular volume but will, when the separate volumes are placed together as a single entity, provide a coherent pagination system. This has required a revision of the presentation of the text and we have introduced a pagination system that is equally suitable for four separate volumes and for a single comprehensive tome.

tandem crane lift plan

We have met this need by making each part of Safety at Work into a separate volume whilst, at the same time, maintaining the cohesion of the complete work. Thus there appears to be a need for each part of Safety at Work to be available as a stand-alone volume. Equally, new students of the subject may embark on a course of modular study spread over several years, studying one module at a time. Their need is to add to their store of knowledge specific information in a particular sector. While there is a continuing demand for a single volume, many managers and safety practitioners enter the field of safety with some qualifications already gained in an earlier part of their career. Safety at Work reflects this in the range of chapters written by experts and in bringing the benefits of their specialised experiences and knowledge together in a single volume.

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Health and safety is not a subject in its own right but is an integration of knowledge and information from a wide spectrum of disciplines.

Tandem crane lift plan