
Jimmy swaggart expositor's bible pdf
Jimmy swaggart expositor's bible pdf

jimmy swaggart expositor

(d/b/a) Jimmy Swaggart Ministries) (“FWCC”) to investigate and take legal action against your organization for the unwarranted and defamatory attacks against FWCC allowed by your organization on the website, and the personal defamatory attack against Jimmy Swaggart allowed by your organization on the website, (including but not limited to the aforementioned websites or any other website postings you have created and/or allowed pertaining to FWCC and Jimmy Swaggart, personally).” “ Please be advised that our firm has been retained by Family Worship Center Church, Inc.

jimmy swaggart expositor

Because you see, this was how that “pagan lawyer” started off his letter of threats: Now with “ Christian lawyers” in mind, in today’s message– “ Attorney Hunter Lundy Exposes Jimmy Swaggart’s Pedophilic Tendencies!” – we’re going to expound on what we published in our 5/13/12 sermonet “ Jimmy Swaggart: The Real Child Abuser!” And the reason for it has everything to do with what the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries’ “pagan lawyer” had to say to “Christian Web Host” in his threatening letter about us ( ). So, Jimmy Swaggart, the world’s great guru on his “message of the cross”, condemned him “ self” as being “ uncrucified” through his ongoing use of “pagan lawyers” and the “pagan court system” to settle his disputes with other Believers such as “Christian Web Host” and “FMHCCI”. In fact the real kicker is that Jimmy Swaggart went on to say that any Believer committing this unimaginable horrendous deed “ portrays the perfect example of uncrucified self”.

jimmy swaggart expositor

Because as it concerns Believers taking other Believers to court, Jimmy Swaggart said that it “ should not be among Christians”. It was in our last sermonet – “ Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Threatens ‘Christian Web Host’ With Lawsuit!” – that we exposed Jimmy Swaggart and his hypocritical ways through his very own Expositor’s Study Bible “red letter” commentary notes on 1 Corinthians 6:1-8. So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad". The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. Attorney Hunter Lundy Exposes Jimmy Swaggart’s Pedophilic Tendencies!

Jimmy swaggart expositor's bible pdf